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Investing in our Cam Models drives the studio’s success to the maximum!

This time, we are delighted to present to you Cam Stars Studio, a premium studio founded in 2008, based in Bucharest Romania. Their business model is investing in models so they can reach their most professional form. They’ve created a safe environment for the girls who want to work for them, training them constantly to reach the income they desire. Read more about Cam Stars Studio in the following article.

Managing Partner

Please tell us a few words about your studio
Cam Stars Studio is a Romanian studio based in Bucharest since 2008. Our mission was, from the start, to develop top cam models, working in a safe and legal environment based on transparency and team values.

What determined you to open up a livecam studio?
We started many years ago and we knew from the start what we wanted from this business and what we wanted to achieve. Obviously, sometimes you have to work years to achieve what in the beginning seems so easy.

Did you receive any advice/consultancy from any other studio or from any other experienced person in this field when you started?
Back in the days when we came into this business, things were a lot different. It was a new business in the Romanian market and of course way less competitors. Everything was slower and you really needed to figure it out by yourself. Fortunately, we were 3 associates from scratch and everyone did his part well.

Is there any financial difference between last year and this year? Is there any increase in profits?
We prefer a slow and constant growth by retaining our new models. In order to engage our models, we permanently invest and try to improve their way of work so it is easier for us to forecast this year. Based on our data this year will be at least as good as the last one and we are satisfied with these margins.

Describe how you’ve responded to competitive threats in the past.
We do not consider the rest of the studios as a threat to our business because competition is making all of us stronger and better. Our business model relies on experienced people with unique skills, and individual and team values which make it self-defensive.

What method did you use to create strategies that led to the success you have today?
From the beginning, we tried to create a reliable and powerful brand and our core value is respect for our models work. It is not just about helping them succeed in this business it is also about finding the best version of each and every one.

What type of cam sites are you working with?
We only work with premium websites (ImLive, Jasmin, AdultWork, Streamate) and we are totally against freemium.

What expectations do you have from the cam sites you are working with?
we are very satisfied with the partnership we are having with the sites we are working with. We are working closely with them in growing our models on their platforms and the most important thing is that we have a fast and easy communication channel with all of them.

How many working places do you have/ or how many locations?
Currently, we have 3 locations translated into 20 working places.

Which is the model’s salary growth expectation compared to the average salary in the economy?
A model’s revenue is always based (in this exact order) on her level of commitment, general knowledge, level of English, look. So any model who wants to work with us has to understand that she can meet her financial expectations if she will work hard and improve her earnings monthly. Read more articles here

Cam Studios

JHstudios’s interview

Starting the year with enthusiasm and energy, JHstudios is ready to take on the challenge of becoming one of the top studios in Colombia. With the essential part of caring for their models and offering advice to those just starting, JHstudios is well-equipped to accommodate all cam sites and provide quality service to every model. They recognize that working with models can take days, months, or even years and that learning new things and being present throughout their professional journeys is integral to success.
With this in mind, they have set ambitious goals for this year, including expanding internationally and continuing to grow by 400%, as they did in 2022. Last year they completed two studios in Colombia with more than 127 luxury rooms, and they look forward to achieving even more success in the coming year.

Jorge & Heiber

What essential part should a studio owner take care of?
I would think that something specific is difficult to know since too many big or small factors make a company successful. However, the most important thing for studios is always their models, but the advisers in charge of them are characteristics of great importance that we must take care of, which is why for JHstudios, its advisers and leaders are fundamental and are key to the success of the model.

As one of the bigger studios from Colombia, what is your advice for someone that starts this year?
JHstudios is a specialist in advising studios and also those that are starting their creation. For JHstudios, the most important advice for those who are starting is to always think about the quality of your company in terms of infrastructure, technology, and human quality, but above all, worry about the little things that arise every day since it is an industry that is always evolving. I always say the small details make the difference.

Heiber & Jorge

Do you work with all camsits platforms? Explain why? Or if not, explain why also?
JHstudios we are a brand of free pages, we have access to several of the best-known pages, but we are specialists in Stripchat. Our models only work with one or two pages Maximum since working with many pages is the worst decision someone can make. As we always say, you are one hundred percent of you as a person working on a single page means that one hundred percent Attention to those users. Working on 2 or more means that this percentage will change significantly.

How much work with a model until she is a top model for your studio?
Working with a model can be relative and can be days, months, or even years. Being a top requires a lot of perseverance, patience, dedication, and discipline. Acquiring all this is sometimes not so easy. Our role is to understand that there is always something new to learning and teaching. It is important to dedicate quality time to a model, especially advice and accompaniment, throughout her professional path.


What plans do you have for this year? What will it be?
JHstudios has an international projection. We are currently advancing on some projects outside of Colombia as well as a working modality for satellite models on webcam and content pages. The idea is to be able to cover several countries in South America. In the same way, we open a brand of Lingerie in which we are working.

Do you end 2022 with all plans achievable? What was it?
JHstudios in 2022 had a growth of 400% in relation to the past years. Between them, we completed two studios in Bogota and Medellín, Colombia, adding up to 127 luxury rooms in two modern buildings with a capacity for almost 400 models and more than 150 direct employees between administrative and consultants. Our vision is clear, and we always work to improve and advance. Our motto is “Moving Forward to the Future”.

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Welcome to BabeStation

Let us introduce you to the UK household brand Babestation! With a 20 year history and experience, the studios started as a broadcast studio to support the Babestation TV shows, which has been broadcasting since 2002. From chat rooms to live cam feeds, streaming from their studios, 24/7, Babestation brings you brand new XXX content shot exclusively in house. We got to talk to Mo Noorollahi, Babestation COO, and found out more insights on their activity.

What type of cam sites are you working with?
Babestation owns and operates two of its own camsites, and We also work with Streamate to allow UK based models to gain more traffic and exposure.

What expectations do you have from the cam sites you are working with?
Communication and support! Those are the two most important things.

What is your leadership philosophy?
“Models first”! We would not have a business if it wasn’t for our models.

How do you build the model’s confidence?
We have a talent management team that works tirelessly with our models. As well as the talent management team, we have a production team who work closely with the models 24/7 to get the best out of their shows.

What advice would you give to a newcomer?
Don’t run before you can walk! It’s a very exciting industry and things can move very fast. Spend time understanding the industry and how to best create a career path within it.

How many working places do you have/ or how many locations?
We have 3 studios in the UK. Milton Keynes, London and Manchester.

What is your method of finding models?
Any model can apply to our agency from seeing adverts on our TV channels or websites. We do have a dedicated team of headhunters that look for models who would fit the brand as-well.


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3F Models Studio – a business that could stand a war 

3F Models Studio was founded 10 years ago in Kharkiv, Ukraine and operates a few other studios under the same umbrella in Odessa and Kyiv. The business stands by its name – The Federation of Force & Freedom, as it’s operating still under the harsh conditions of the Ukrainian – Russian war. 

What determined you to open up a livecam studio?

The first studio we opened before 3F Models.

 It was the best time to start this business, it was easy money for models and fast growing for a business. After that, there were a lot of branded studios popping up and the business was getting harder year by year. Then we decided to start working in the right “European way”.

Did you receive any advice/consultancy from any other studio or from any other experienced person in this field when you started?

As a model, I started for the first time with another studio. They were charging me a lot of fees for nothing and they paid me a lower percentage than they told me at the interview. So I cannot say I had a good first experience. After I founded the 3F studio and started my own studio, for Ukraine, back then, it was a bigger and absolutely new level, I got my best experience in 3F. Here models have everything that a studio must give them.

Is there any financial difference between last year and this year? Is there any increase in profits?

We do not advertise our earnings, but year by year we have a new higher level of earnings, and we have a goal for that. And I can say every year we are closer to our highest targeted earnings. We will see how 2022 will end up because everybody knows what’s happening in Ukraine right now. The war kind of ruined our plans, but we are keeping strong and doing everything to save our models and earnings.

Describe how you’ve responded to competitive threats in the past.

We never wanted to start the war, but if somebody wants to play with us – always welcome =D

What method did you use to create strategies that led to the success you have today?

First of all, we are studying other European studios. It was the first step of our “new generation” strategy. Then year by year different things changed. We are always looking for a good strategy, the best way to succeed is through the experience itself. If we have an issue, like in any other kind of company, we have to fix it fast and change our strategy fast if that’s needed.

What type of cam sites are you working with?

Freemium, a small part of our models works as “premium” models.

What expectations do you have from the cam sites you are working with?

Serious partnership, innovations inside a system and mobile apps

How many working places do you have/ or how many locations?

Before the war, we had 11 or 12 studios in Kharkiv, 2 studios in Kyiv, and 3 studios in Odessa. 250+ models had a working place. Now we have 4 studios in Kyiv, 4 studios in Odessa, and 3 studios still working in Kharkiv under daily bombing. Few studios were bombed and the main and biggest studio was destroyed by Russian bombs.

Which is the model’s salary growth expectation compared to the average salary in the economy?

It does not depend on the economic situation. We are earning $ and don’t care about the currency rate. It affects the percentage of withdrawal, but it’s anyway better than for a business like a coffee shop or restaurant.

How do you build the model’s confidence?

Our experience is the main visit card. Models believe us – because they know what happens in other studios, where owners think only about themself. Our models are happy with us, they are always waiting for the next contest from our company where they have the chance to win something like an iPhone, a MacBook, or a new car. In our experience, we made a few contests with the main prize being a car. And every contest was true and transparent, all the models know – they can trust us.

What advice would you give to a newcomer?

For a model – don’t lose your first 2 weeks, don’t be shy, and never be tired in your broadcasts. These 2 weeks will be the most important for your business.

For a new studio – respect your colleagues, respect your models, you are starting a serious business, it’s not fast and easy money. If you start your business with this thought, you will lose your studio after half of the year. Pay good commissions and salaries for your staff, because without them you are nothing.

Which are the 3 top goals to achieve as a company?

Get the trust of your partners, team members, and models. Join the webcam community and know what happens in the industry. Get rid of services from outside. Develop a department for each type of employee of your company. Designers, admins, SEO, programmers, marketing, photographers, video editors, content makers, etc.

In your view, what risks do you face as a cam studio?

The worst already happened on the 24th of February.

What is your leadership philosophy?

The philosophy of leadership of 3F Models is to give everybody a chance to earn big money for everybody. Everybody wants to be rich, not only a studio owner.

What methods have you used to motivate your models in the past?

Regular contests, regular gifts, parties for every holiday, regular bonuses and we are always helping models to buy a car, apartments, etc If they don’t have a full amount.

What is your method of scouting models?

We have a department of marketing, advertisement, call center, and first interview center. We are using all methods possible.


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