Every June 1, as Pride Month commences, a predictable pattern unfolds in conservative media and commentary. Criticisms surface, claiming that Pride has veered off course, that...
A company selling sex toys has just unveiled “The Second Coming”, a recycling scheme allowing people to send their old dildos in to be reused. There...
LiveJasmin, the award-winning live cam site renowned for its pioneering role in virtual dating and its commitment to sexual health research, has partnered with the esteemed...
Live cam shows are becoming increasingly popular, and with that comes a need for more advanced, interactive toys that can help make the experience even more...
It’s no secret that TikTok is full of videos that are seemingly innocent but are actually disguised as fetish content. From bizarre life hacks to footage...
A survey from Common Sense Media, a nonprofit child advocacy organization, has revealed that most teenagers have been exposed to online pornography by the age of...
If you are aiming for a healthier lifestyle, it might be best to leave behind certain toxic trends. Here are some of the trends that you...
A dating coach, who also worked as a trainer in a camming studio, explains in a goodmenproject.com article why so many men are single. Many of...
Sally Turner, an advocate for women’s rights and sexual health, has noted a rise in the use and purchase of sex toys, with positive vibrations reverberating...
Sexting, or the sending and receiving of sexually explicit photos, messages or videos on mobile devices, is a trend that doesn’t seem to be going away....