>‘Barely Legal’ Beer Withdrawn from Festival Over Porn Website Resemblance - BCAMS MAGAZINE
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‘Barely Legal’ Beer Withdrawn from Festival Over Porn Website Resemblance

Following widespread criticism surrounding its marketing and label, an Australian beer named ‘Barely Legal’ has been withdrawn from a major festival. The beer’s label design closely resembled that of the world’s biggest pornography website, raising concerns and prompting the decision to remove it from the event.

Blackflag Brewing, a Queensland-based brewery, has withdrawn it’s ‘Barely Legal IPA’ beverage following an online backlash over its name and pornographic-inspired marketing campaign. The beer, boasting 18.1% ABV, featured a logo similar to that of Porn Hub. The IPA’s premiere was expected to take place at the upcoming Great Australasian Beer Spec-tap-ular (GABS) in Melbourne, however, due to an influx of complaints, organizers decided to pull the brew from the agenda.

Australian feminist writer, Clementine Ford, expressed her distaste with the brand’s advertisement on the web, saying: “What a totally interesting and funny name for a beer that doesn’t in any way imply you’re a bunch of creeps with a s***ty sense of humor and total disregard for women.” Jayne Lewis, the co-founder of the nation’s first female-founded brewery, Two Birds, attested to the offensiveness of the drink, telling ABC: “If you google ‘Barely Legal,’ the things that come up are all around young women and involvement in either some sort of pornography or involvement in sexual acts… These are the kinds of things that feel like a real punch in the guts for a lot of women”.

In response, Blackflag posted an apology to Instagram, admitting that their campaign “missed the mark”, and expressed regret for “any offense or distress caused”.

Romanian Corner

Studio 6 camere, 170 mp, cladire de birouri, Piata Unirii – Natiunile Unite, chiria 1500 Euro

Studio 6 camere, situat într-o clădire de birouri la intersecția dintre Piața Unirii și Natiunile Unite. Spațiul, care se întinde pe o suprafață de 170mp, este ideal pentru un studio mic. Chiria lunară este de 1500 Euro. Pentru detalii și vizionări, contactați-ne.

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Romanian Corner

Divine Goddess București – Experiență premium în îngrijire personală

Divine Goddess, vă invită să descoperiți serviciile noastre excepționale. Fie că aveți nevoie de o programare de urgență sau doriți să vă pregătiți pentru o ocazie specială, echipa noastră de profesioniști este aici pentru a vă satisface toate cerințele de frumusețe.

Salonul nostru oferă o gamă variată de servicii: de la manichiură și pedichiură, până la coafură, machiaj, masaj și tratamente cosmetice. Ne dedicăm să vă oferim o experiență relaxantă și de înaltă calitate, într-un mediu elegant și confortabil.

📍 Locație: Splaiul Unirii nr. 31, București.

Aici vă veți bucura de facilități moderne, unde fiecare detaliu este gândit pentru confortul și satisfacția dumneavoastră.

Ne mândrim cu utilizarea produselor de top și a tehnicilor moderne, garantând rezultate remarcabile și durabile. Prețurile noastre sunt accesibile, permițându-vă să vă bucurați de lux fără compromisuri financiare.

Pentru orice întrebări sau nelămuriri, echipa noastră este întotdeauna la dispoziția dumneavoastră. Nu ezitați să ne contactați la numărul afișat pe site. Vă așteptăm la Divine Goddess pentru o experiență de neuitat în lumea frumuseții!


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Designing Success: Inside the World of Camming Bios

Meet Jonny, an innovative bio designer who has significantly shaped the digital personas of numerous models. Beginning his journey as a curious viewer, Jonny evolved into a creative force behind personalized bios that enhance online visibility and viewer engagement. Discover how his strategic design, tailored content, and savvy affiliate link integration boost a model’s career and earnings. This article highlights the intersections of creativity, technology, and personal branding within the adult entertainment space.

How long have you been in the adult business, especially the camming industry?

I have been around in the industry for almost 8 years now, I first went on Chaturbate as a viewer in October 2016 and it took me almost a year to make a Twitter page to follow the people I watched and made bios for. After I made that I started to grow my page to try and reach anyone who was looking for NSFW graphics for their cam or premium content sites. I dived into the NSFW side of the industry personally around 1 year ago for a few reasons, 1. I have an exhibitionist streak in me and 2. I wanted to further understand what things models and content creators would find helpful that I could provide as part of my service.

How did you come up with the idea to make a bio for models?

I was friends with a cam model and she asked me to be a moderator in her room, after a while she mentioned that she would love a bio like the big rooms had, I offered to try and make something for her and then she put it up on her page with my name at the bottom, as she grew a lot of models would then ask her if I made them and if they could have one. There was a couple of bio designers around at that time but I had a steady stream of models asking me for them, I made around 150 bios for free before a model couple said “please get verified so we can send you some tokens for this” (shout out to Jack and Jackie) so I did that and they told me I should be charging a little for the time I was putting into the bios.

Do you have competition?

As for competition, there are a few other designers out there but I don’t see them as competition, I often refer models to one designer if it’s something I think he can do better. The main “competition” is the “free bio” sites, many models see the word free and don’t realise that the bios are not truly free, they are covered in affiliate links that don’t belong to the model but are made to look as if they are, over a few months of the model having a bio with those links on, they could have potentially lost thousands of dollars in affiliate income, I teach models how to find their personal affiliate links and add them to their bios so they can make that income from their viewers.

How many cam sites are you covering at this moment? Are you planning to grow the number of camsites?

I’m currently offering bios for Chaturbate, Camsoda, Stripchat and Niteflirt. I think if another cam site started getting lots of traffic and I was asked to make a bio for it, I’d make bios available for them. I’m always happy to expand but Chaturbate, Camsoda and Stripchat seem to dominate the camming space.

Do you track the model’s performance after they work with you? 

I don’t track any performance data but I get a lot of feedback from models explaining that by having fanclubs in their bio that people can join and have their name placed into, they make more tokens. Viewers love being a part of a club on CB and you’ll see many of the big rooms I have made bios for will have multiple clubs that viewers can join. It’s also very handy for the models having all their premium sites like (Onlyfans, Fansly etc) easily reached by their viewers. I always add these in 2 places within the bio so they can’t be missed.

What do you need from a model to make a nice bio?

To make a nice bio for a model I just need to know what kind of theme they would like, what they would like to tell their viewers and what they most want to advertise. I also often make my own designs in my spare time with the most popular sections added and I put them up for sale. These are good for people who either don’t know what kind of style they want to go for or for people who just like my work and the designs I make. These are also cheaper as it cuts out a lot of the back and forth of the design process, I can just come up with an idea and make it a reality and then customise it with the models info.

How many models have you covered so far? If you are asked to do an analysis, what is the general model type?

I’ve made a little over 1000 bios to date and I hope to make 1000 more as this is a passion of mine. There is no general model type that comes to me for a custom bio, I’ve made them for models fresh to the industry and for models with 40+ years experience. I’ve made them for models from all around the world, the beauty of the camming world is the diversity of the people within it.


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